POST-HUMAN GAME x National Geographic

*This is a speculative project. National Geographic first dissected and analyzed this concept. This imagines a  collaboration with the magazine*

Can a game give us answers towards an uncertain future?

When the aesthetic of futurism has been devolved in male-centered narratives, this game challenges that notion by raising the question of feminist, parthenogenic game pedagogy.  

The objective of the game is to find these post-human organisms while learning more about their capabilities. Centering play while also learning and unlearning the gender identity politics of our future. This game is the beginning of  a feminist-forward future.


Discarding the boilerplate usage of artificial intelligence, this game design tests the ability of synthetic intelligence across different storytelling mediums: from rough sketching, 3D constructing, to now being agents of play in Unreal Engine 5.

Through play and adventure,  how can machine intelligence and fiction test our imagination of the future as we know it ? Organisms in the post-human world. All imagined by A.I. These organisms are only female, following a scientific reproductive process called Parthenogensis where the male organism is not required for the organism to reproduce.

- Cinema 4D ->  A.I.
- A.I. ->  Cinema 4D ->  Unreal Engine 5

In-process of building the environment in Unreal Engine 5
If we can imagine better futures, how can we enable technologies to answer to them instead of one that we have been fed for long? 
The world terrain. Examining the  game space in Unreal Engine 5, I spatially divided the world of these future microorganisms through rocks and materials that are devoid of the human touch.
The Daphia, a microorganism imagined by A.I.                 © 2024